英会話備忘録:英会話フィーリングリッシュ・ 即レス英会話・基礎英語


即レス英会話6:What‘s new ?

もっと伝わる 即レス英会話 10月度

What‘s new ?: どうだい?

📝 冒頭の会話より

A:Hey, Sho. I’m back.

B:Hey, Dion. What’s new ?

C:Not much. I just went to the gym today.


Dion:Hey, Sho. I’m back.


Sho:Hey, Dion. What’s new ? 


Dion:Not much. I just went to go gym today. You had lunch already, huh?


Sho:Yeah. Have you had lunch yet ?


Dion:Uh-huh, I already ate. I went to the tonkatsu restaurant by the station again.


Sho:You go there a lot.


Zach:Oh, good , you’re both here. You will not believe this !


Sho:What is it ?


Zach:Look at this. Ta-da! I finally got the rare part ! I wanted.


Dion:You’re building another computer ?


Zach:Yeah, of course, now that I’ve got this ! I love Akiba, See ya !


Sho:He really loves computers.


🔻🔻 即レス英会話 キーフレーズ解説 🔻🔻

What’s new ?:どうだい?

What’s new は直訳すると「何が新しいですか?」という意味ですが、相手と挨拶を交わす際に「何か変わりはない?」と近況を尋ねる表現としてよく使われます。相手に何かあったことを具体的に聞き出す感じではなく、「やあどう?」と挨拶のようなニュアンスで、What's upと同様に使われます。聞かれたときの答え方は Not much「特に変わらないよ」のように答えます。

✅ 即レス英会話 色々な答え方

Not much/Nothing much:とくに変わりないですよ/まぁまぁですよ

The usual/Same as the usual:いつも通りだよ

Same old, same old:いつも通りですよ

✅ 即レス英会話 フレーズを使ってみよう

A:Hey, It's been about a week, since I last saw you?

B:Hi, What's new ?

A:Not much. I just went swimming for 3 hours. and then I ran for 2hours.

A:Hey ! Hi there. You, long time no see, it's a small world.

B:What's new?

A:Oh well, nothing much. Just, I new hair style. You know, they say the short cut is going to be the next trend.

A:So, what's should we have for dinner tonight?

B:Since we finally got a bag of One-Yen-Moyashi ! Let's make Namuru.

A:Wow, sounds good! Oh, hello. What a coincidence. I didn't know you lived around here huh?

C:What's new ?

A:Actually, I got a married last month.

B:No no no no. I'm his sister.

🔊 発音ジム 🎵

What‘s new ? ― 「 What‘s」は「ワァトゥ 」のように発音します。

🔷🔹 即レス英会話 フレーズ備忘録 🔹🔷

it's been a week:一週間ぶり

since I last saw :最後に会ってから/最後に見た時以来

I just went ~:私は丁度~した/だ

・I just went home:今家に帰りました。

・I just went there today:ちょうど今日、そこに行って来たところです。

it's a small world:世間は狭い


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